Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Bread Wednesday

Today was a busy day for the mixer.  This morning started out with my first sourdough starter culture.  I should be ready to bake my first sourdough breads next Monday and Tuesday.  After the mother seed is finished I will post the entire process.  Here's what it looks like for now:

Next I started a poolish for some Ciabatta bread I am going to bake on Friday.  A poolish is a type of preferment that is able to sit in the fridge for a few days before you make the dough to get the most flavor.  Its got the consistency of a thick pancake batter:

Next up I baked a few loaves for work tomorrow.  First I made some flaxseed bread for Patrick.  I can't wait to tear into this!


I also decided to make some cheesy braids for lunch at work tomorrow.  I thought somebody else was cooking some food but it turns out I was mistaken.  All for the better I suppose.  I kneaded this bread in the mixer and it totally pulverized the cheese in the dough.  Now its just yellow bread, and a little over done.  Oh well.


  1. Can't wait to see how the Ciabata and Sourdough turn out. I'm thinking even overdone the cheese-bread will be good. Who doesn't like a little well toasted cheese!
